Jane Schreiber, PhD, ABPP-Cn
Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Jane Schreiber, PhD, ABPP-Cn
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Clinical Neuropsychology – American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP-CN)
Awards and Honors
2014-2016, NIH, Loan Repayment Program Award
2011, International Neuropsychological Society Program Committee Member
2008-2009, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Fellowship
2008, Psychology Department Research Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2008, Vilas Travel Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2007, Society for Research in Child Development Travel Award
2006, Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2004, Psychology Department Travel Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2001-2003, NIMH Affective Neuroscience Research Training Fellowship
1998, Psychology Honors, University of Rochester
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2008-present, International Neuropsychological Society
2011-present, American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2022-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2018-present, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Training Advisory Committee (TAC)
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical Psychology - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
MS in Developmental Psychology - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Pre-doctoral Clinical Psychology Internship - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Postdoctoral Residency in Pediatric Neuropsychology - APPCN, Boston Children’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Heitzer AM, Longoria J, Okhomina V, Wang WC, Raches D, Potter B, Jacola LM, Porter J, Schreiber JE, King AA, Kang G, Hankins JS.: Hydroxyurea treatment and neurocognitive functioning in sickle cell disease from school age to young adulthood. Br J Haematol. 195(2): 256-266, October 2021.
Wang WC, Zou P, Hwang SN, Kang G, Ding J, Heitzer AM, Schreiber JE, Helton K, Hankins JS.: Effects of hydroxyurea on brain function in children with sickle cell anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 68(10), October 2021.
Wang W, Freeman M, Hamilton L, Carroll Y, Kang G, Moen J, Smeltzer MP, Schreiber J, Heitzer AM, Estepp J, Aygun B.: Developmental screening of three-year-old children with sickle cell disease compared to controls. Br J Haematol 195(4): 621-628, November 2021.
Partanen M, Anghelescu DL, Hall L, Schreiber JE, Rossi M, Gajjar A, Jacola LM: Longitudinal associations between exposure to anesthesia and neurocognitive functioning in pediatric medulloblastoma. European Journal of Cancer 148: 103-111, 2021.
Saulsberry-Abate AC, Partanen M, Porter JS, Podila PSB, Hodges JR, King AA, Wang WC, Schreiber JE, Zhao X, Kang G, Jacola LM, Hankins JS: Cognitive performance as a predictor of healthcare transition in sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology 192(6): 1082-1091, 2021.
Schreiber JE, Cole JCM, Houtrow AJ, Kallan MJ, Thom EA, Howell LJ, Adzick NS : Maternal Depressive Risk in Prenatal versus Postnatal Surgical Closure of Myelomeningocele: Associations with Parenting Stress and Child Outcomes. Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy 48(6): 479-484, 2021.
Ali J, Andrasik F, Berlin K, Porter J, Hankins J, Anderson S, Schreiber JE : Attention difficulties are associated with lower engagement in adult care among youth with sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology 189(1): e27-e30, April 2020 Notes: Online only. doi: 10.1111/bjh.16421.
Bearden DJ, Waber DP, Schreiber JE, Mrakotsky C: Functional abdominal pain symptom severity: associations between cognition and emotion in a pediatric sample. Applied Neuropsychology: Child 13: 1-12, June 2020 Notes: E-pub ahead of print.
Jacola LM, Anghelescu DL, Hall L, Russell K, Zhang H, Wang F, Peters JB, Rossi M, Schreiber JE, Gajjar A: Anesthesia exposure during therapy predicts neurocognitive outcomes in survivors of childhood medulloblastoma. Journal of Pediatrics 223: 141-147, August 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.04.039.
Partanen M, Kang G, Wang W, Krull K, King, A, Schreiber JE, Porter J, Hodges J, Hankins, Jacola L: Association between hydroxycarbamide exposure and neurocognitive function in adolescents with sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology 198(6): 1192-1203, 2020.
Danzer E, Hoffman C, Miller JS, D'Agostino JA, Schindewolf EM, Gerdes M, Bernbaum J, Adams SE, Rintoul NE, Herkert LM, Taylor L, Schreiber J, Peranteau WH, Flake AW, Adzick NS, Hedrick HL: Autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental delays in children with giant omphalocele. Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery 54(9): 1771-1777, September 2019.
Olivier TW, Bass JK, Ashford JM, Beaulieu R, Scott SM, Schreiber JE, Palmer S, Mabbott DJ, Swain MA, Bonner M, Boyle R, Chapeiski ML, Evankovich KD, Armstrong CL, Knight SJ, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Gajjar A, Conklin HM: Cognitive implications of ototoxicity in pediatric patients with embryonal brain tumors. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37(18): 1566-1575, 2019.
Schreiber JE, Palmer SL, Conklin HM, Mabbott DJ, Swain MA, Bonner MJ, Chapieski ML, Huang L, Zhang H, Gajjar A. Posterior fossa syndrome and long-term neuropsychological outcomes among children treated for medulloblastoma on a multi-institutional, prospective study. Neuro Oncology, Epub ahead of print. July 19 2017.
Glass JO, Ogg RJ, Hyun JW, Harreld JH, Schreiber JE, Li Y, Gajjar AJ, Reddick WE. Disrupted development and integrity of frontal white matter in patients treated for pediatric medulloblastoma. Neuro Oncology, 19(10):1408-1418, 2017.
Cancio MI, Helton KM, Schreiber JE, Wang WC.: Significance of MRI findings in very young children with sickle cell anemia: A 15-year follow-up. British Journal of Haematology, 171 (1): 120-129, 2015.
Marceau K, Zahn-Waxler C, Shirtcliff EA, Schreiber JE, Hastings PD, Klimes-Dougan, B.: Adolescents’, mothers’, and fathers’ gendered coping strategies during conflict: Youth and parent influences on conflict resolution and psychopathology. Special Issue of Development & Psychopathology on “The Influential Child.” 27 (4 pt 1): 1025-1044, 2015
Merchant TE, Schreiber JE, Wu S, Lukose R, Xiong X, Gajjar A.: Critical combinations of radiation dose and volume predict IQ and academic achievement scores after craniospinal irradiation in children with medulloblastoma. Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 90 (3): 554-561, 2014.
Vern-Gross, TZ, Schreiber JE, Broniscer, A, Wu, S, Xiong, X, Merchant TE.: Prospective evaluation of local control and late effects of conformal radiation therapy in childhood with high grade glioma. Neuro-oncology, 16 (12): 1652-1660, 2014.
Knight SJ, Conklin HM, Palmer SL, Schreiber JE, Armstrong CL, Wallace D, Bonner M, Swain MA, Chapieski L, Mabbott D, Boyle R, Zhang H, Huang Q, Anderson V, Gajjar A.: Working memory abilities among children treated for medulloblastoma: a longitudinal study of parent report and performance. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39 (5): 501-511, 2014.
Schreiber JE, Gurney, JG, Palmer SL, Bass, JK, Chen S, Wang M, Zhang H, Swain M, Chapieski ML, Bonner MJ, Mabbott DJ, Knight S, Armstrong CL, Boyle R, Gajjar A.: Examination of risk factors for intellectual and academic outcomes following treatment for pediatric medulloblastoma. Neuro-oncology, 16 (8): 1129-1136, 2014.
Schreiber JE, Possin K, Girard JM, Rey-Casserly C.: Executive Function in Children with ADHD: Utilization of the EXAMINER battery. Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society, 20(1): 41-51, 2014.
Palmer SL, Armstrong CL, Onar-Thomas A, Wu S, Wallace D, Bonner MJ, Schreiber J, Swain M, Chapieski L, Mabbott D, Knight S, Boyle R, Gajjar A.: Processing Speed, attention and working memory after treatment for medulloblastoma: an international prospective and longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(28): 394-500, 2013.
Lemery-Chalfant KS, Schreiber JE, Schmidt NL, Van Hulle CA, Essex MJ, Goldsmith HH.: Assessing internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems in young children: Further validation of the MacArthur HBQ. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 46(10):1315-1323, 2007.
Schreiber JE, Shirtcliff EA, Van Hulle C, Lemery-Chalfant K, Klein M, Kalin N, Essex M, Goldsmith HH.: Environmental influences on family similarity in afternoon cortisol levels: Twin and parent offspring designs. Psychoneuroendocrinology 31:1131-1137, 2006.
Goldsmith HH, Van Hulle CA, Arneson CL, Schreiber JE, Gernsbacher MA.: A population-based twin study of parentally reported tactile and auditory defensiveness in young children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 34:393-407, 2006.
Lectures by Invitation
Schreiber JE. "Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Spina Bifida," Spina Bifida Association Clinical Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Virtual Conference. June 2021.
Schreiber JE. "Maternal depressive risk in prenatal versus postnatal surgical closure of myelomeningocele," Perinatal Mental Health Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Virtual Conference. May 2021.
Schreiber JE. "Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Patients with Myelomeningocele," Bobby Jones Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation (Bobby Jones CSF), Boston, Massachusetts. Apr 2020.
Conklin HM, Schreiber JE, Fournier-Goodnight A: Cognitive late effects and their management. Brain Tumors in Children A Gajar, GH Reaman, JM Racadio, FO Smith (eds.). Springer, 2018.
Leigh, LD, Conklin HM, Schreiber JE. Educational issues for children with cancer. In PA Pizzo & DG Poplack, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Company: Philadelphia, PA. 2015.