Current Concepts in Pediatric Advanced Practice- Virtual Conference

Virtual, Phila, PA 00000  

Nov 29, 2023-Dec 1, 2023, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (ET)


The all-new Current Concepts in Pediatric Advanced Practice Conference commences in 2023 which marks the 3nd anniversary of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s innovative Advanced Practice Provider Conference. This one-of-a-kind conference is packed with dynamic speakers and wide variety of topics related to all aspects of pediatric advanced practice including innovations in medical management and professional development strategies as well as leadership and topics for managers.
Three distinct program tracks: Acute Care, Ambulatory/Primary Care and Managing APPs, allow attendees to tailor their experience based on their interests. Virtual opportunities for interactive learning and professional networking will augment the didactic components of the sessions. After the live virtual conference, attendees have the opportunity to view presentations from any of the three program tracks for additional contact hours.  
All new this year! Build on your precepting skills or learn how to incorporate informatics into APP practice by joining one of these two optional preconference workshops.  
The conference is targeted to advanced practice providers, physician colleagues, nurses and students in all practice areas throughout the spectrum of pediatric healthcare. Nursing and pharmacology contact hours will be provided by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). This program is not yet approved for AAPA CME credit. Conference organizers plan to apply for AAPA Category 1 CME credits from the AAPA Review Panel. The total number of approved credits is yet to be determined. 

ANCC Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe current evidence-based practices for managing pediatric patients across the healthcare spectrum.
  2. Identify opportunities for innovative approaches to caring for pediatric patients.
  3. Explain the current state of practice for APPs across the nation.
  4. Discuss management strategies to optimize team structure, leadership, and professional development.

View the latest information about the conference.