Type 1 Diabetes: Morgan’s Story of Successful Advocacy
Strong parent advocacy ensured Morgan’s diabetes was under control at school. Now Morgan is advocating for others.
Our experienced teams of pediatric endocrinologists, nurses, social workers and psychologists bring their disease-specific expertise to the care of children with a broad range of endocrinology disorders.
Strong parent advocacy ensured Morgan’s diabetes was under control at school. Now Morgan is advocating for others.
A CHOP research study seeks to even out the ups and downs of post-pancreatectomy diabetes. Jenny, who has hyperinsulinism, can’t wait for the results.
Carlin, 12, has Turner syndrome. She has been receiving comprehensive care and a network for support and training at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Evelyn’s parents had never heard of CAH, the rare adrenal condition their daughter had, until her diagnosis. But with CHOP’s help, Evelyn’s health is back on track.
Dane was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 9. He took it on and dealt with it, never letting it get in the way of his determination to succeed.
When traditional tests were inconclusive, Jill turned to the Roberts Individualized Medical Genetics Center for a diagnosis of Kallmann syndrome.
Violet was diagnosed with Turner syndrome in utero and was given a 1 percent chance of surviving to term. Now 3, she is an active and happy toddler.
Siblings Brayden and Lexi have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. They both live active lives with help from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
With treatment and diligent attention to his health, Dillon is able to manage his type 1 diabetes while playing baseball at the highest level.
Siblings Lily and Landon were both treated for congenital hyperinsulinism at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.