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Asthma, Known or New Diagnosis Clinical Pathway — Primary Care

Primary Care Clinical Pathway for Children
with Known or Suspected Asthma

  • Asthma Epic Tools
    • Asthma Order Smart Set
    • Asthma Control Tool
    • Asthma Medicaid Order Set
    • Asthma Care Plan
    • Care Assistant Teaching Tool
New Diagnosis
Known Diagnosis
Goal: Achieve Asthma control by reducing impairment and risk
API, Preschool Age
Early frequent wheezer (≥ 3x)
and 1 major or 2 minor
Major Criteria
  • Parental MD asthma
  • MD diagnosed eczema + skin/blood test to one allergen
Minor Criteria
  • Wheezing apart from colds
  • Eosinophilia
  • Allergic sensitization to milk, egg or peanuts
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Create Asthma Action Plan
  • Update Asthma Action Plan
  • Providers: Use Asthma Medicaid order set as appropriate
  • RN/Asthma Navigator: Use Asthma Health Chart
  • 2-4 wks to confirm diagnosis
  • Once confirmed, follow
    known-diagnosis pathway
  • Well-controlled: 3-6 mos
  • Not well-controlled: 2-6 wks
  • Poorly controlled: 2 wks
  • Referrals
  • Pulmonology and Allergy for
    Problematic Asthma (PAPA) Clinic
  • Allergy/Immunology
  • Pulmonary
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