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Learn more about the Craniofacial Program

What is craniosynostosis?

Craniosynostosis is a condition in which the sutures (growth seams) in an infant’s skull close too early, causing problems with normal brain and skull growth. Premature closure of the sutures may also cause the pressure inside of the head to increase and the skull or facial bones to change from a normal, symmetrical appearance.

Premature closure can involve any suture of the cranial vault or cranial base. When only one suture is prematurely fused, the condition is referred to as simple craniosynostosis. When two or more sutures are affected, it is referred to as multiple-suture synostosis.

Craniosynostosis can occur as an isolated condition, resulting in non-syndromic craniosynostosis, or in conjunction with other anomalies as part of a syndrome.

Watch this short video to learn more about the different types of craniosynostosis and treatment approaches.

  • What is craniosynostosis?

    Scott Bartlett, MD: Craniosynostosis, or craniostenosis, is a condition which is premature closure of some of the seams on the skull. These are growth regions that allow normal expansion of the brain during growth. And when these seams close, you can constrict the brain in an area and cause abnormal growth in another area.

    Craniosynostosis generally comes in two patterns. There’s the syndromic type in which there’s a genetic mutation, or an inheritable condition that causes a repeatable pattern. Or there can be the non-syndromic type where no one knows what causes it. There’s typically an isolated closure of one seam that gives you a distinct head shape abnormality.

    There’s probably close to 90 syndromes associated with heritable forms of craniosynostosis. Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Muenke, Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome, the most common five that we see.

    Some of these children are diagnosed by ultrasonography ahead of time, and there may be abnormal head shapes to alert them to the need for a special delivery. Many of those children will end up in our special delivery unit here at CHOP, which is focused on the care of fetal and congenital anomalies.

    In syndromic-synostosis, these are typically genetic in origin, although they may be a new mutation to a new family. What they cause is not only closure of one of the seams of the skull, but they typically cause abnormalities in growth of the remainder of the face, and head and neck region. So these children frequently need a series of operations over their lifetime that may begin with a procedure on the cranial vault, or the skull, early in childhood, and progress to the need for secondary surgery on that. Or the need to move the entire mid-face into a different position. Or to adjust the jaws, and the upper and lower jaws, and correct a jaw deformity.

    So beginning in childhood, and infancy, and all the way through adolescents, your child needs to be in a center that can know the needs and address the needs of a child growing. And can address them on multiple levels: the eye socket, the forehead, the orbits and the face sequentially.

    So many of the non-syndromic patients have just a single seam closed prematurely. And the treatment of that usually involves removing that closed seam and reshaping the adjacent bone. If the child has a more severe, more established deformity, it involves an open approach where the seam is removed, the bones are cut and repositioned, and held in position with a series of sutures, or wires, or plates and screws that dissolve. This frequently involves the upper forehead, the orbits, and sometimes the remainder of the skull.

    When it comes to the management of simple, non-syndromic synostosis, that is conditions in which there’s typically one suture closed, we have a variety of techniques available to us to treat that patient. They vary from simple strip craniotomies, placement of cranial springs, to formal open procedures that require cutting the bones and repositioning them.

    What your child will need and what he will get will depend upon his age and the degree of deformity. And we have a team that has been utilizing these different techniques for years, and years, and years. And the team will tailor the treatment for your child.

    We’ve had a Craniofacial Center here at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia since 1972. We perform more procedures each year in the treatment of syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis than any center in the country.

    Our team looks to coordinate the care and individualize the treatment of these complex deformities to fit your child.

Transcript Transcript


Syndromic craniosynostosis

Syndromic craniosynostosis is caused by an inherited or genetic condition and characterized by a collection of physical and developmental features that have a common cause. There are more than 90 syndromes currently associated with craniosynostosis, the majority of which involve related anomalies of the limbs, ears and cardiovascular system. Those most commonly treated by plastic surgeons include:

Learn more about how syndromic craniosynostosis is diagnosed and treated at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia »

Non-syndromic craniosynostosis

Non-syndromic craniosynostosis is a non-inherited condition that generally only involves the fusion of a single suture in the skull. Non-syndromic craniosynostosis is not associated with other physical and developmental anomalies and is much more common than syndromic disorders.

The exact diagnosis and appearance of children with non-syndromic craniosynostosis depends on which suture is affected. We treat children with many forms of non-syndromic craniosynostosis, including:

  • Unicoronal synostosis (anterior plagiocephaly or unilateral coronal synostosis)
  • Bicoronal synostosis (brachycephaly)
  • Sagittal synostosis (scaphocephaly)
  • Metopic synostosis (trigonocephaly)
  • Lambdoid synostosis (posterior plagiocephaly)
  • Complex multiple suture synostosis

Learn more about how non-syndromic craniosynostosis is diagnosed and treated at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia »

Resources to help

Craniosynostosis Resources

Craniofacial Program Resources

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