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Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD

Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD

Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD

Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD, is a pediatric neurologist with the Division of Neurology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Fetal neurology, Neonatal neurology

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About Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD

Ana G. Cristancho, MD, PhD, is a pediatric neurologist with the Division of Neurology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, with special interest in fetal and neonatal neurology. Dr. Cristancho's research focus includes developing experimental models of prenatal hypoxic injury. Her goal is to understand the effect of acute and chronic low oxygen states on the developing brain throughout pregnancy to better understand new opportunities for intervention, management and prognosis.


Attending Physician

Instructor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Awards and Honors

  • 2018, AAN Enhanced Resident Leadership Scholarship for Child Neurology
  • 2018, Marc A. Dichter Award for Excellence in Translational Research
  • 2018, AAN Enhanced Resident Leadership Scholarship for Child Neurology
  • 2017, Jessica A. Panzer “Good Catch” award for contribution to clinical care
  • 2013, American Academy of Neurology Award for Excellence in Clinical Neurology
  • 2011, Balduin Lucke Memorial Prize for superior research on any problem in any field of experimental medicine and biology
  • 2009, FASEB NIH MARC Summer Research Conference Travel Award
  • 2004, Magna Cum Laude, General Honors, Honors in Biology, University of Miami
  • 2000-2004, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Training Program Scholar
  • 2004, Outstanding Senior in Philosophy Award
  • 2003, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program
  • 2002, Phi Beta Kappa

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2017-present, Child Neurology Society
2015-present, American Academy of Neurology

Editorial and Academic Positions

Academic and Institutional Committees

2016-present, Neurocritical Care Advisory Committee

Education & training

Graduate Degree

PhD in Cancer Biology - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Medical Degree

MD - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA


Child Neurology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (Chief Resident)
General Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Fetal Neurology and Research Fellow - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA




Mignot C, McMahon AC, Bar C, Campeau PM, … Cristancho AG, … Moller RS, Lesca G, Helbig KL, Nabbout R, Verbeek NE, Depienne C (86 authors). IQSEC2-related encephalopathy in males and females: a comparative study including 37 novel patients. Genetics in Medicine. 2018 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Gray IN, Cristancho AG, Licht DJ, Liu GT. Ocular Dipping in a Patient With Hemiplegic Migraine. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 2018 Jan 31;55:e4-e6.


Tian G*, Cristancho AG*, Dubbs HA, Liu GT, Cowan NJ, Goldberg EM. A patient with lissencephaly, developmental delay, and infantile spasms, due to de novo heterozygous mutation of KIF2A. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine. 2016 Nov; 4(6): 599–603. * co-first authors


Cristancho AG, Lazar MA. Double SET point: G9a makes its mark in adipogenesis. EMBO Journal. 2013 Jan 9; 32(1): 4-6.


Cristancho AG, Lazar MA. Forming functional fat: a growing understanding of adipocyte differentiation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 2011 Sep 28;12(11):722-34.

Cristancho AG, Schupp M, Lefterova MI, Cao S, Cohen DM, Chen CS, Steger DJ, Lazar MA. Repressor transcription factor 7-like 1 promotes adipogenic competency in precursor cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2011 Sep 27;108(39):16271-6.


Schupp M, Cristancho AG, Lefterova MI, Hanniman EA, Briggs ER, Steger DJ, Qatanani M, Curtin JC, Schug J, Ochsner SA, McKenna NJ, Lazar MA. Re-expression of GATA2 cooperates with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma depletion to revert the adipocyte phenotype. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2009 Apr 3;284(14):9458-64.

Schupp M, Lefterova M, Janke J, Leitner K, Cristancho AG, Mullican SE, Szwergold N, Steger DJ, Curtin JC, Kim RJ, Suh M, Albert MR, Engeli S, Gudas LJ, and Lazar MA. Retinol Saturase Promotes Adipogenesis and Is Down-Regulated in Obesity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009 Jan 27;106(4):1105-10.


Lefterova MI, Zhang Y, Steger DJ, Schupp M, Schug J, Cristancho A, Feng D, Zhuo D, Stoeckert, Jr CJ, Liu XS, and Lazar MA. PPARgamma and C/EBP Factors Orchestrate Adipocyte Biology Via Adjacent Binding on a Genome-Wide Scale. Genes and Development. 2008 Nov 1;22(21):2941-52.

Moise AR, Domínguez M, Alvarez S, Alvarez R, Schupp M, Cristancho AG, Kiser PD, de Lera AR, Lazar MA, Palczewski K. Stereospecificity of retinol saturase: absolute configuration, synthesis, and biological evaluation of dihydroretinoids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2008 Jan 30;130(4):1154-5. 

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(based on 34 submissions)

  • Clear Explanation
    4.9 of 5
  • Showed Concern
    4.9 of 5
  • Included in decisions
    4.9 of 5
  • Would recommend
    4.9 of 5
  • Discussion of Proposed Treatment
    4.9 of 5
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The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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