Colin Ellis, MD
Areas of expertise: Epilepsy genetics, Familial epilepsies, Epilepsies in adolescence and adulthood, Transition to adulthood
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Colin Ellis, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Epilepsy – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Neurology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Awards and Honors
2016, Steven L. Galetta Resident Teaching Award, University of Pennsylvania
2012, Eric Corey Raps Memorial Prize in Clinical Neurology, University of Pennsylvania
2008, Montgomery County Medical Society Scholarship
2005, Ittleson Undergraduate Research Award, Brown University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2019-present, American Neurological Association
2017-present, American Epilepsy Society
2015-present, American Academy of Neurology
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Neurology - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Post-doctoral Research Fellow - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Epilepsy - University of Melbourne and Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia
Epilepsy - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Ellis CA, Churilov L, Epstein MP, Bellows ST, Ottman R, Berkovic SF, Epi4K Consortium. Epilepsy in Families: Age at onset is a familial trait, independent of syndrome. Ann Neurol. 2019 Jul;86(1):91-98. doi: 10.1002/ana.25499. Epub 2019 May 20.
Helbig I, Lopez-Hernandez T, Shor O, Galer P, Ganesan S, Pendziwiat M, Ellis CA, Huempfer N, Schwarz N, Seiffert S, Peeden J, Shen J, Sterbova K, Hammer TB, Moller R, Shinde D, Tang S, Smith L, Poduri A, Krause R, Benninger F, Helbig KL, Haucke V, Weber Y, EuroEPINOMICS-RES consortium, GRIN consortium. A recurrent missense variant in AP2M1 causes epileptic encephalopathy. Am J Hum Genet. 2019 Jun 6;104(6):1060-1072. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.04.001. Epub 2019 May 16.
Ellis CA, McClelland AC, Mohan S, Kuo E, Kasner SE, Zhang C, Khankhanian P, Balu R. Cerebrospinal fluid in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: implications of elevated protein and pleocytosis. Neurohospitalist. 2019 Apr;9(2):58-64. doi: 10.1177/1941874418802061. Epub 2018 Sep 27.
Myers KA, Davey MJ, Ching M, Ellis C, Grinton BE, Roten A, Lightfoot PA, Scheffer IE. Randomized Controlled Trial of Melatonin for Sleep Disturbance in Dravet Syndrome: The DREAMS Study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Oct 15;14(10):1697-1704.
Hill CE, Parikh AO, Ellis C, Myers JS, Litt B. Timing Is Everything: Where Status Epilepticus Treatment Fails. Ann Neurol 2017 Aug;82(2):155-165
Hart T, Ferarro M, Myers R, Ellis C. Opening the Black Box: Lessons Learned from an Interdisciplinary Inquiry into the Learning-Based Contents of Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Jan;95(1 Suppl):S66-73.
Hart T, Whyte J, Ellis C, Chervoneva I. Construct validity of an attention rating scale for traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology. 2009 Nov;23(6):729-35.
Whyte J, Hart T, Ellis CA, Chervoneva I. The Moss Attention Rating Scale for traumatic brain injury: further explorations of reliability and sensitivity to change. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 May;89(5):966-73.
Mayer NH, Whyte J, Wannstedt G, Ellis CA. Comparative impact of 2 botulinum toxin injection techniques for elbow flexor hypertonia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 May;89(5):982-7.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Ellis CA, Berkovic SF, Epi4K Consortium. Age of Seizure Onset is a Familial Trait, Independent of Epilepsy Syndrome. Epilepsy Melbourne Conference, Melbourne, Australia, March 2018.
Ellis CA, Berkovic SF. Phenotypic insights from multiplex families with common epilepsies. Platform presentation. Translational Neurogenetics Conference, Melbourne Australia, February 2018.
Ellis CA, Bardakjian TM, O’Brien M, Dubbs H, Marsh ED, Gonzalez-Alegre P, Helbig I. Genetic testing in patients with familial epilepsy: preliminary findings from two neurogenetics programs. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2017.
Lectures by Invitation
Ellis CA. “Adult Epilepsy Genetics: New Players.” Genetics Special Interest Group, American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2018.