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Baby's Best Friend: Adriana's Hyperinsulinism Story

Baby's Best Friend: Adriana's Hyperinsulinism Story

Baby's Best Friend: Adriana's Hyperinsulinism Story

Adriana Palmieri may owe her bright future to her dog, Watson.

After a smooth New Year’s Eve birth, Adriana went home with mom Jenna and dad, Sal, a day later. But on the third day, she wasn’t interested in eating, was lethargic and “her skin had a gray tinge,” Jenna remembers. “It was past midnight, we were all up and she was in her swing. As first-time parents, we weren’t sure what to do. We felt something was off, but thought we’d just wait to take her to her first pediatrician’s appointment in the morning.”


That’s when Watson took action. The 4-year-old pit bull-mix rescue went to Adriana and started barking. They tried to shush him, but he wouldn’t stop. “It was as if he sensed something,” Jenna says.


They immediately took Adriana to the local emergency room, where her sugar level came back under 10 (normal is at least 60 for a 2-day-old baby.). Recognizing the danger of seizures, clinicians immediately began finger-feeding her sugar and transported her to Monmouth Medical Center, which has a pediatric intensive care unit. There, an endocrinologist, Mike Barrows, DO, suspected Adriana may have congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) and put her on diazoxide, the front-line medication to combat hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

  • Video: Adriana's Hyperinsulinism Story

    Jenna Palmieri, Adriana's Mother: Adriana was born New Year's Eve, right before the ball dropped. She was born a healthy baby; there were no issues. I had a healthy pregnancy, healthy delivery. We went home; we were discharged. And I guess it was like day three of her life; she just wasn't really interested in eating. I was breastfeeding, and she just wasn't hungry.

    We were gonna to wait to take her to the doctor the next day, but we decided to just bring her downstairs in the meantime, and the dog just woke up out of his bed and started barking at her nonstop.

    Sal, Adriana's Father: Our dog, Watson, may have saved our daughter's life. He barked at her several times, and you know, she kind of let out this non-energy sound like just no energy in her voice, and we just looked at each other and said, "We have to go." We were taken to community hospital in Tom's River.

    Jenna: Normal blood sugar for a baby would be between 60, 70, all the way up to 100, so within that range. Adriana was below 10.

    Sal: We're happy that, you know, she didn’t have seizures or any kind of brain damage, which is pretty common when that occurs. If we had taken Adriana in, you know, in the morning and waited, you know, six to eight hours …

    Jenna: Something definitely would have happened overnight, I'm sure it wouldn't have been good. As soon as we were in the emergency room, they declared her hypoglycemic. And then, we were transferred to Monmouth Medical because they had the PICU there.

    Sal: Our first thought was, like, diabetes, but, you know, they're telling us similar but the opposite. We really didn't know until the doctors came in and really explained, your pancreas is creating too much insulin, and it's, you know, making your … your blood sugars low.

    Jenna: We're very thankful that the endocrinologist at Monmouth Medical had ties with CHOP and he was aware of the center here. CHOP was the only hospital around us that we could be sent to, to treat Adriana, and it wound up being the best center in the country, so we were very lucky. We learned when we came to CHOP that there were so many different forms of hyperinsulinism. Adriana had the best case scenario, where she had a focal lesion. Even with it being a focal lesion, we were told that it could be a large part of her pancreas. We didn't know, we really didn't know until Dr. Adzick went in.

    Sal: When Dr. Adzick gave us the news after the surgery, he said he had very good news that he was able to remove a very small part of Adriana's pancreas. And he said he thinks he got it all.

    Jenna: He drew us a picture; it just took a long time to wrap your head around that, that she's cured. Dr. Adzick is like a super hero in our family to everybody. Everybody talks about him and raves about him and the work that he does, not only on our daughter, but all the families he's helped. There's so many kids here and you're made to feel like, you know, your kid's very important.

    Sal: Doctors and even the nurses that took care of us, Dr. De León, Dr. Adzick … that it's just the most incredible place and the doctors are the best at what they do.

    Jenna: Our daughter Adriana's a  2 ½-year-old, very healthy, very happy little girl.

Transcript Transcript


Rare disease, uncommon expertise

“We’re grateful that he was aware of HI, since it’s so rare — only 1 baby in 50,000 have it — and he knew about the resources at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,” Jenna says. “When her sugar levels were up and down on the diazoxide, he made the call to transfer her to CHOP.”

The Congenital Hyperinsulinism Center at CHOP treats more children with HI than any other hospital in the country. That expertise was apparent the minute the Palmieris arrived. “They put us at ease right away,” Jenna says. “Everyone there, from the transport team to the nurses to the endocrinologists, is at the top of their game.”

Genetic testing confirmed hyperinsulinism and pointed to a diagnosis of focal disease for Adriana, meaning she could be cured with surgery. In preparation, she underwent an 18F-DOPA PET scan. This test is used to determine which area in the pancreas contains the malfunctioning beta cells because they usually light up. “But nothing really showed up,” Sal says. “There was no road map pointing to which part of her pancreas to remove.”

CHOP’s expertise comes through again

Surgeon-in-Chief N. Scott Adzick, MD, MMM, has performed more than 500 pancreatectomies and has been in this position before. During Adriana’s surgery, he saw an area of her pancreas that didn’t look quite right. He removed a 2 mm lesion — that’s smaller than one-tenth of an inch — and enough surrounding tissue to ensure he got it all.

Gifted surgeon

“Dr. Adzick met with us right after the surgery and told us that he saw something funny looking,” Jenna says. “But it was more than that. He has a gift for this. He’s amazing.” Adzick had, indeed, excised the entire lesion. Adriana stopped having low blood sugar almost immediately, and she passed her 24-hour “cure fast” easily.

“To go from this being a huge problem to being cured is something I still have a hard time wrapping my head around,” Jenna says. “I give the HI Center all the credit. Every nurse, every doctor knew exactly what to do and how to explain things to us so we could understand. We had the best-case scenario.”

Adriana and her dog, Watson

Even though there was no evidence Adriana had any seizures before she was treated for extremely low blood sugar, HI Center clinicians still recommended the Palmieris follow up with Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at CHOP to be sure there was no lasting damage. “Her evaluations show she’s on track for everything,” Jenna says. “She a happy, fun kid who brings a smile to everyone when she walks into a room.”


Adriana, now 2 ½, loves music, dancing, Peppa Pig, going to the beach and her cousins. And, of course, her dog, Watson.

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