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Pediatric Kidney Stone Center Patients Stories Listing

Here at the Pediatric Kidney Stone Center, your child's care is in the hands of a team of experts who are dedicated to managing stone disease and improving quality of life.

Appointments and referrals
Patient story

Kidney Stones: Alina’s Story

After Alina was diagnosed with kidney stones, her family found answers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s dedicated Pediatric Kidney Stone Center. 
Patient story

Kidney Stones: Taylor's Story

After suffering through multiple kidney infections and failed treatments, Taylor’s family turned to CHOP’s specialized Pediatric Kidney Stone Center for answers.
Patient story

UPJ Obstruction and Kidney Stones: Will's Story

Born with a dilated kidney, Will was later diagnosed with ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJ). His parents took him to CHOP for robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery and later treatment for kidney stones.
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