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Preparation for Anesthesia/Sedation Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Emergency Department

Inpatient and Emergency Department Clinical Pathway for Preoperative Care and Preparation of Children for Anesthesia/Sedation

Exclusions: Cardiac OR, SDU, N/IICU
  • Goal: Avoid unnecessary delay of procedure
  • All inpatients should be ready for transport to procedure area by 0600 for an 0700 induction regardless of scheduled procedure time.
  • For updated OR and NPO times call
    • OR office 5-4444
    • Periop Flow Facilitator
    • MRI
    • Interventional Radiology
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Radiology Flow Facilitator
    • Sedation
Pre-op Preparation Requirements
  • Begin preparation up to 24-hours prior to procedure
  • Aim to complete tasks night prior
  • Use Inpatient Preoperative/Preprocedural Orders to enter all orders
Preoperative Lab Studies
Recommendations by subspecialty, procedure
OR/Radiology Ready
Communication and Handoff
  • Notify guardian of patient transport
  • Pre-op and Bedside RN handoff
    • Bedside RN Documentation
    • Epic Pre-op Checklist AND Electronic Handoff
  • Transport to OR determined by PACU/Anesthesia
Requirements for Trained Healthcare
Team Member
to transport to PACU

Transport Tech

All Patients who do
not meet criteria for RN/RT or trained healthcare team member pick up
Steps in Preparing the
Patients for Surgery.
Start up to 24 hrs prior
to Scheduled Procedure.
Posted: August 2020
Last Revised: April 2024
Editors: Clinical Pathways Team


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