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Craig Alter, MD

Craig Alter, MD

Craig Alter, MD

Craig Alter, MD, is a pediatric endocrinologist and Director of the Neuroendocrine Center in the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds the Thomas Moshang Endowed Chair in Endocrinology.

Areas of expertise: CNS Hamartoma, Craniopharyngioma, Diabetes, Germinoma, Growth disorders, Kallmann Syndrome, Neuroendocrinology, Pituitary disorders, Post-cancer endocrinopathy, Pubertal disorders, Rathke Cleft cyst, Thyroid disease and abnormal puberty, Tumors of the hypothalamus/pituitary/pineal region


About Craig Alter

Craig A. Alter, MD, is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and recipient of the Thomas Moshang Jr Endowed Chair of Pediatrics in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  He was been elected as a Director of the Pediatric Endocrine Society. He was named "Master Clinician" at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Alter was the recipient of the 2011 University of Pennsylvania Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching. 

Dr. Alter completed his undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated summa cum laude with majors in Mathematics, Chemistry, and a minor in French. He attended Harvard Medical School in a joint program with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he graduated with honors. He completed his residency at Harvard’s Boston Children’s Hospital before his fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. As a fellow, he was awarded Fellow Teacher of the Year.

Following his fellowship, he joined the faculty of the University of Massachusetts where was awarded the Faculty Teaching Award and where he developed the Diabetes Center for Children.  In 1999, Dr. Alter returned to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and developed the satellite and outreach programs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. After serving as Medical Director of the Clara Barton Diabetes Camp, he founded Philadelphia’s only diabetes camp (Camp Freedom) in 2001.

Dr. Alter’s clinical and research focus is on Neuroendocrinology where he serves as Director of the Neuroendocrine Center. He continues to lecture nationally on disorders of the pituitary gland and diabetes insipidus. 

Dr. Alter’s interests included diabetes insipidus, disorders of the pituitary, panhypopituitarism, prolactinoma, pituitary tumors, growth disorders, disorders of puberty, gynecomastia, Turner Syndrome, and thyroid disorders.  In his role as Director of the Pituitary Center, he works closely with Neurosurgery, Neuro-oncology, and Neuroradiology. Dr. Alter is a renowned speaker in pediatric endocrinology at national and international pediatric endocrinology conferences.  He also has written several “Medical Mystery” columns in the Philadelphia Inquirer.  


Attending Physician

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Pediatric Endocrinology – American Board of Pediatrics

Awards and Honors

2022, Main Line Today Top Docs, Pediatric Endocrinology
2012-2017, Suburban Life Main Line Top Doc
2016, Pediatric Endocrine Society Award for Service on the Board
2015, Prize for the Best Novel Insight Paper
2015, Misameach Award for Top Pediatric Doc
2013, Master Clinician Award, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Physician Hero
2010-present, U.S. News and World Report listed as one of the Top National Pediatric Endocrinologists
2011, Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching at an Affiliate Hospital University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2010-2011, Resident Honor Roll
2010, Montgomery County Top Pediatric Endocrinologist
2002, 2008, 2010-2017, 2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Pediatric Endocrinology
2000-2010, Faculty Teaching Honor Roll (by the Residents)
1998-2001, National Faculty Development Scholars Program (NIH funded)
1996, Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School
1991, Fellow Teacher of the Year Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
1987, Cum Laude & Medical School Thesis with Honors, Harvard Medical School
1982, Summa Cum Laude:  University of Pennsylvania
1983, Alpha Chi Sigma Award for the Outstanding Graduate in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania
1982, Phi Beta Kappa

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

Pediatric Endocrine Society
 - 2017-present, MOC Committee 
 - 2016-present, Hormone Health Network
 - 2013-2016, Director on Board of Directors
 - 2011-present, Educational Council

The Endocrine Society

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions


Journal of Pediatrics
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Pediatrics Emergency Care
Journal Pediatric Diabetes
Endocrine Society:  Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program

Academic and Institutional Committees

2012-present, Physician Advisory Panel Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA


Pediatrics - Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA


Pediatrics - Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA


Pediatric Endocrinology - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Research Fellow in Endocrinology and Pathology - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA




Grimberg A et al. Guidelines for Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Treatment in Children and Adolescents: Growth Hormone Deficiency, Idiopathic Short Stature, and Primary Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Deficiency. Horm Res Paediatr. 86(6):361-397, 2016.

Vogiatzi M, Oberfield S, Alter C.  Menstrual Bleeding as Manifestation of Mini-Puberty in Infancy in Severe Prematurity: a Case Report.  Journal of Pediatrics. 178:292-295, 2016 Nov.


Brown RS, Alter C, Sedeghi A. Severe Unsuspected Maternal Hypothyroidism Discovered after the Diagnosis of Thyrotropin Receptor Blocking Antibody-Induced Congenital  Hypothyroidism in the Neonate: Failure to Recognize and Implications to the Fetus.  Horm Res Paediatr 2015;83:132-135.


Danzig J, Moser J, Bellfield P, Alter C.  G6PD and HgbA1c, J Pediatr. 2011 May;158(5):849-51.


Riddick L, Alter C, Davis, Davis D.A., Frane J, Lippe B, and Bakker B.  A Stepwise Increase in Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Dosing During Puberty Achieves Improved  Pubertal Growth:  A National Cooperative Growth Study Report.  J Pediatr Endocrin Metab,  22(7):623-8, 2009.


Venditti C.P., Farmer J., Russell K. L., Freidrich C.A., Alter C, Canning D., Whitaker L,  Mennuti M., T., Driscoll D. A., and Zackai E.H.  Omodysplasia: an affected mother and son.   Amer J Med Gen, 111 (2):169-77, 2002.


N. Ramchandani,, J.M. Cantey-Kiser, C.A. Alter, S.J. Brink, S.D. Yeager. W.V. Tamborlane, S.R. Chipkin, “Self-reported factors that affect glycemic control in college students with type 1 diabetes.”  Diabetes Educator, 2000:26, 656-666.


C.A. Alter, P.S. Thornton, S.M. Willi, Alter CA, N Bunin, T Moshang Jr., "Growth in Children after Bone Marrow Transplantation for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia", J Pediatr Endocr, 1996:  9:  pp. 51-57.


C.A. Alter, B.A. Wolf, "Identification of phosphatidyl inositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, in pancreatic islets and insulin secreting ß-Cells", Biochem and Biophys Research Comm, 1995: 208, pp. 190-197.


P.S. Thornton, C.A. Alter, LE Levitt Katz, D. Gruccio, P. Winyard, and T. Moshang Jr., "The new highly sensitive adrenocorticotropin assay improves detection of patients with partial adrenocorticotropin deficiency in the short term metyrapone test", J Pediatr Endocr, 1994: 7(4), pp. 317-324.

C.A. Alter, M. Amagasu, K. Shah, Y.C. Jolly, C.Major, B.A. Wolf. "U-73122 does not specifically Inhibit phospholipase C in rat pancreatic islets and insulin-secreting beta-cell lines", Life Science, 1994:  54(8), PL107-112.

G.M. Talente, R.A. Coleman, C.A. Alter, L. Baker, Bl. Brown, R.A. Cannon, Y.T. Chen, J.F.  Crigler, Jr., P. Ferreira, J.C. Haworth. "Glycogen storage disease in adults, Annal Int Med, 1994: 120(3), pp. 218-226.


P.S. Thornton, C.A. Alter, LE Levitt Katz, L. Baker, and C.A. Stanley, "Short- and long-term use of octreotide in the treatment of congenital hyperinsulinism", J Pediatr, 1993:  123(4), pp. 637-643.

C.A. Alter and T. Moshang, Jr., "Growth hormone deficiency in two siblings with Alstrom Syndrome", Amer J Dis Child, 1993: 147(1), pp. 97-99.


J.P. Deweiko, C.A. Alter, "Subcutaneous emphysema:  report of a case and review of the literature", Dermatology, 1992: 184(1), pp. 62-64.


S.L. Jacques, C.A. Alter, S.A. Prahl, "Angular dependence of HeNe laser scattering by human dermis", Lasers in the Life Science, 1987: 1(4), pp. 309-333.

Lectures by Invitation


C.A. Alter. Interesting Cases 7th Annual Pediatric Endocrine Conference, CHOP, Philadelphia, PA, November 2017.

C.A. Alter. FAES Endocrine Review Course, Disorders of Puberty, Disorders of Growth, Pediatric Endocrine Case Studie, Bethesda, MD, September 2017.

C.A. Alter. Pediatric Endocrine Board Review, Dinner Speaker, Washington DC, September 2017.

C.A. Alter. Diabetes Mellitus in Children., CMI Media, Philadelphia, PA, June 2017.

C.A. Alter. Outcomes of Children Treated with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, April 2017.


C.A. Alter. Disorders of Puberty, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Oregon Science & Health University (OSHU), November 10, 2016.

C.A. Alter. The Bread & Butter of How to Beef Up Your Presentation, Science & Health University (OSHU), November 10, 2016.

C.A. Alter. Diabetes Insipidus in Children, Endocrine Grand Rounds, Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, September 2016.

C.A. Alter. Van Wyk Award Introduction for Charlie Stanley, Pediatric Endocrine Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2016.

C.A. Alter. Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program, Endocrine Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 2016.

C.A. Alter. Diabetes Insipidus (Meet the Professor), Endocrine Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 2016.


C.A. Alter. Analysis of Growth Charts , 6th Annual Pediatric Endocrine Conference, CHOP, Philadelphia, PA, November 2015.

C.A. Alter. Side effects of Steroids, American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, November 2015.

C.A. Alter. Disorders of Puberty, NIH Endocrine Conference, Bethesda, MD, October 2015.

C.A. Alter. Inactive and Interactive Hormones, PES Board Review Course, San Diego, California, April 2015.

C.A. Alter. Adrenal Gland, PES Board Review Course, San Diego, California, April 2015.

C.A. Alter. Disorders of Growth, Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, 2nd Annual Pediatric Conference, Edinburg, Texas, January 2015.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Alter C, Dodt S.  Panhypopituitarism,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult (7th Edition), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2015.

Alter C, Dodt, S.  Growth hormone deficiency,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult (7th Edition), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2015.


Alter C, Rossi WC, Bauer, AJ.  Schwartz’s Clinical Handbook of Pediatrics, 5th Ed. Zorc     JJ, Alpern ER, Brown LW, Loomes KM, Marino BS, Mollen CJ, Raffini LJ, Eds. Philadelphia:  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013.


Roizen J, Alter C.  Panhypopituitarism,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult (5th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2011.

Roizen J, Alter C.  Growth hormone deficiency,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult (5th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2011.

Pinney SE, Bamba V, Alter C: Chapter 68: Thyroid Disease. Netter’s Pediatrics. T Florin,  S Ludwig (eds). Saunders. Philadelphia, PA  (June, 2011).


Alter, C. Growth hormone deficiency,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult (4th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.

Alter, C. Panhypopituitarism,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult, (4th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.

Alter, C.A. and Rossi, W.R.: Principles of Growth and Maturation (Chapter 4) in Osborn L., DeWitt T., First L (Eds.) Pediatrics, Elsevier Moser Inc, 2005.


Alter, C. Growth hormone deficiency,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult, Clinical Handbook in Pediatrics 3e, 2002.

Alter, C. Panhypopituitarism,  In: Schwartz M.W., Five Minute Consult, Clinical Handbook in Pediatrics 3e, 2002.

Alter, C. Thyromegaly. In: Schwartz M.W., Clinical Handbook in Pediatrics 3ed, Williams and Wilkens, 2002.


M. Mohrmann, K. Roberts and C.A. Alter: “Physical Growth”. In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics. (Fifth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 19, pp. 81-86, 2000.

M. Mohrmann, K. Roberts and C.A. Alter: “Sexual Development”. In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics.  (Fifth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 29, pp 127-132, 2000.

CA Alter and A Grimberg: “Diabetes mellitus”. In:  Manual of Clinical  Problems in Pediatrics.  (Fifth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 81, pp 356-361, 2000.

A. Kelly and C.A. Alter: “Hypoglycemia”. In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics.  (Fifth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 80, pp 352-356, 2000.

S A. Weinzimer and C.A. Alter: “Diabetic ketoacidosis”. In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics.  (Fifth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 6, pp 26-31, 2000.


K. Murphy, C.A. Alter:  "Endocrine emergencies".  In:  Critical Care Nursing of             Infants and Children.  J Smith, M Curly, P Malony-Harmon (eds.) Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 777-792, 1996.


B.A. Wolf, R.J. Konrad, and C.A. Alter:  "Role of Phospholipases C, A2, and D in insulin secretion".  In:  Flatt PR & Lenzen S (eds) Frontiers of Insulin Secretion and Pancreatic ß-Cell Research.  Chapter 39, pp 297-304, Smith Gordan, London, 1995.


C.A. Alter and R.S. Brown: "Hypoglycemia".  In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics.  (Fourth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 86, pp 360-364, 1994.

C.A. Alter and R.S. Brown: “Diabetes mellitus", ".  In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics. (Fourth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 87,pp 364-369, 1994.

C.A. Alter and R.S. Brown:  "Diabetic ketoacidosis", In:  Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics. (Fourth Edition). K. Roberts (ed.) Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Chapter 7, pp 27-31,1994.


C.A. Alter and T. Moshang, Jr., "Diagnostic dilemma:  the goiter", Ped Clin N Amer, 1991: 38(3), pp. 567-578.

Patient experience rating

(based on 216 submissions)

  • Clear Explanation
    5 of 5
  • Showed Concern
    5 of 5
  • Included in decisions
    5 of 5
  • Would recommend
    5 of 5
  • Discussion of Proposed Treatment
    4.9 of 5
Learn about the patient experience rating system


  • Dr alter is awesome!

    5 of 5
    Jun 06, 2024
  • Dr. Alter is amazing. I'm so glad our appointment got rescheduled to see him. He is has very good bedside manner and was great with my son. I also really appreciated that he reviewed the bone scan with me in detail and explained how it is read. Overall I highly recommend him.

    5 of 5
    Mar 28, 2024
  • Dr. Alter was the first doctor to listen to our concerns about our child's height and low weight. After ordering blood work we discovered he had Celiac disease. He is now growing and gaining weight and we are so thankful to Dr. Alter for listening to us. Dr. Alter is very funny and engaging with both parents and pediatric patients. Thank you, Dr. Alter!

    5 of 5
    Feb 16, 2024
  • Dr alter is by far the best doctor any of my kids have ever seen. It

    5 of 5
    Feb 13, 2024
  • Dr. Alter is patient, caring, and a pleasure to visit.

    5 of 5
    Feb 05, 2024
  • Dr. Alter was extremely knowledgable, kind, engaging, and had a wonderful bedside manner.

    5 of 5
    Feb 04, 2024
  • By far Dr Alter is one of the best doctors ever. He is brilliant. He is fun, funny , kind, and real! We just love him!!!!!! We feel very lucky to be in his care!!!!

    5 of 5
    Feb 02, 2024
  • Dr. Alter was kind and attentive and took the time to answer all our questions. He also always takes the time to bond with our son and foster a feeling of caring and family. We are so thankful for Dr. Alter and his entire team.

    5 of 5
    Jan 27, 2024
  • Informative, humorous, and a great listener.

    5 of 5
    Jan 24, 2024
  • He was excellent. Great bedside manner and great math magic tricks for my son!

    5 of 5
    Jan 23, 2024
  • Dr. Alter is an excellent provider. He is very thorough and knowledgeable. He explains the disease process and treatment plan clearly and answers all questions without rushing the patient. This makes me feel heard.

    5 of 5
    Jan 22, 2024
  • Very pleased with Dr. Alter

    5 of 5
    Dec 05, 2023
  • Dr Altar was very thorough and really appreciated the time he took to talk to us and explain everything

    5 of 5
    Nov 29, 2023
  • We have always enjoyed Dr Alter's visits. We know we will always get a thorough examination.

    5 of 5
    Oct 30, 2023
  • We absolutely love Dr. Alter. Not only does he make it a point to learn personal information about his patient such as hobbies, favorite and least favorite subjects, he also relays the information to parents and patient in a clear and concise manner. He always has us all laughing at some point making us feel at ease and then his medical expertise and knowledge is exceptional. We always walk out of there knowing we made the best decisions.

    5 of 5
    Oct 23, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is the best!!

    5 of 5
    Sep 21, 2023
  • Dr. Alter was incredibly helpful in describing my son's growth, bone xrays, and his thoughts on my son's growth moving forward. He explained the xrays to us in detail, including my son in the conversation.

    5 of 5
    Aug 23, 2023
  • I am so impressed by the care ,knowledge, and friendliness of the CHOP Doctors!

    5 of 5
    Aug 08, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is excellent. He explains everything, and answered all of my son's questions about his condition.

    5 of 5
    Jul 21, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is amazing with my daughter! He asks questions and engages her to help put her at ease. He answers all our questions and we never feel rushed.

    5 of 5
    Jul 13, 2023
  • Our experience with Dr. Alter was wonderful. Dr. Alter demonstrated care and sympathy. He was polite and friendly to my daughter. Made a very uncomfortable situation, comfortable.

    5 of 5
    Jul 13, 2023
  • He's the best!!

    5 of 5
    Jul 11, 2023
  • Dr. Alter has phenomenal bedside manner. He is thorough and gets on the level of the child while including both the child/parent. His follow up to questions via the portal is also exceptional. My child who is often more quiet, shy has get comfortable talking to dr. Alter since her first visit years ago. As a parent, he is thorough with explaining results and helping to formulate a care plan. We are very grateful for his care.

    5 of 5
    Jun 09, 2023
  • Was very informative and felt like I walked out knowledgably to know what to be concerned for and the options of treatments.. Very very caring and compassionate Dr.

    5 of 5
    May 31, 2023
  • Dr. Alter was excellent!

    5 of 5
    May 26, 2023
  • Dr. Alter always take the time to explain and engage our son and answer our questions. Dr. Alter is excellent with setting expectations.

    5 of 5
    May 19, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is hands down the most exceptional doctor. He is just as wonderful, warm, caring, and understanding as everyone says. We're lucky to have him work with our children. He takes time from his own schedule to make sure a child is seen. He really is the best

    5 of 5
    May 04, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is the greatest! He is always so informative and compassionate at my daughters appointments. Although these visits can be a bit nerve racking and sometimes overwhelming, he never fails to make my daughter and myself feel comfortable. He takes the time to listen to us about our concerns and any questions we have, and not to mention, he makes our visits fun! He has a great sense of humor and always manages to make the scary visits much less scary. He even took the time to talk to me about some concerns I was having about my own medical issues, which he absolutely did NOT have to do, but that's just the kind of person he is. He is the best!

    5 of 5
    Apr 24, 2023
  • Dr. Alter is the best physician I visited in my life. His bedside manner is exceptional

    5 of 5
    Apr 12, 2023
  • We are very grateful for Dr.Alter. He is a very good doctor who genuinely cares about his patients and their parents/families.

    5 of 5
    Mar 23, 2023
  • Dr. Alter took care to comnect with my special needs child instantly building a rapport.

    5 of 5
    Mar 21, 2023
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About the Patient Experience Rating System

The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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