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Suspected Measles Exposure or Infection Clinical Pathway

Emergency Department, Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care Clinical Pathway
for Management of Suspected Measles Exposure or Infection

Active Measles in the Community
Measles Symptoms
  • Fever plus > 1 of the following:
    • Bilateral conjunctivitis
    • Rash on face, neck, trunk within 24 hrs of fever
  • In shared space with infectious measles patient at the same time
  • or
  • In shared space vacated by infectious child within prior 2 hrs
  • Severe primary immunodeficiency
  • History of bone marrow transplant, current chemotherapy, solid organ transplant
  • HIV infection
  • Daily steroid therapy > 2 wks
  • ≥ 1 MMR
  • No immunocompromise
  • Age 12 mos
  • Unimmunized
  • Unknown immunization
  • Immunocompromised
  • Exception:
    • Healthy
    • Measles symptoms
    • Exposed
    • 1 MMR
  • Exposed and/or
  • Measles Symptoms Present
Expedite to Room
  • Can return to Waiting Room
  • Standard Precautions
PPE N95, child Masking/Tenting
  • AIIR preferred, ED Rms 4, 14,15, 27, 28, 45, 46, 47, door closed
  • Non-AIIR ED Rm w/ door closed if no AIIR available
KOPH ED ED Rm 26, followed by 25, 24
Documenting Isolation In Epic
No Symptoms No measles testing recommended
  • Measles Testing recommended
    • NP for Measles PCR
    • Urine Measles PCR
  • Rapid QUAD and Respiratory Viral Panel PCR Requested
  • Call 5-SAFE prior to ordering tests
  • If testing indicated ensure both studies sent, confirm receipt by lab prior to discharge
  • As clinically indicated
  • AIIR or single room w/door closed
  • Airborne precautions
Posted: August 2023
Last Revised: June 27, 2024
Editors: Clinical Pathways Team


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