Vaporizer or Humidifier: Which Is Best?
When your child has a cough and congestion, one safe suggestion you’re likely to hear from your pediatrician: more moisture.
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When your child has a cough and congestion, one safe suggestion you’re likely to hear from your pediatrician: more moisture.
Symptoms of strep throat, how to treat it if it is strep, and more tips for soothing sore throats.
Help your kids adjust more smoothly to daylight saving time changes with these tips from CHOP's pediatric Sleep Center.
Tick removal is safe and simple to do on your own and at home. Here, CHOP pediatricians explain the Dos and Don’ts of removing ticks.
If your child’s vision isn’t 100%, they might have trouble in school. Learn about common vision issues and their symptoms in this health tip.
Your kidneys are your body’s natural filtration system. It’s important to keep them healthy so they can perform this vital task.
Find recommended children’s books that focus on a variety of topics such as healthcare, social-emotional well-being, diversity and inclusion.
Información acerca de los dispositivos médicos de su hijo, frecuencia de las visitas de enfermería, limpieza de la habitación, el brazalete de identificación del paciente y otras maneras en que nos aseguramos de proporcionar un cuidado seguro.
معلومات حول الخدمات الطبية لطفلك، كم مرة تزوره الممرضة، تنظيف الغرف، سوار هوية المريض، والطرق الأخرى التي نضمن بها تقديم رعاية آمنة.
Find tips on how parents and teachers can partner together to help children with ADHD succeed.