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Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders Patients Stories Listing

Our coordinated approach to care, bridging many specialties at CHOP, makes it possible to meet the complex needs of children who come to us for care.

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Patient story

Tracheostomy and Decannulation: Steven’s Story

Steven came in to the world facing more challenges than most people face in a lifetime, but after 35 medical procedures and 12 major surgeries by CHOP specialists, the 12-year-old is thriving.
Patient story

Tracheal Stenosis and Lung Anomaly: Paige's Story

Paige was diagnosed with severe tracheal stenosis, a narrowing of the trachea. The only way to widen her airway was with a major surgery. But with only one lung, it would be incredibly risky.
Patient story

Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis: Lailani's Story

Diagnosed with bilateral vocal cord paralysis as a baby, Lailani was unable to breathe on her own until age nine. That's when her sought treatment at CHOP’s Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders.
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