Homeless Health Initiative News and Updates

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Nurses Share Knowledge, Skills Outside CHOP’s Walls

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Mom with toddler daughter at pediatrician

The Community Nurse Advocacy Fellowship gives nurses the opportunity to step outside their roles at Children’s Hospital and into the community, where their knowledge and skills are aimed at improving children’s health.

Muhammad’s Reflections

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In fall 2014, Kheli Muhammad held a three-part series with a goal of empowering the mothers to envision their future. During this series, mothers at the Jane Addams shelter constructed vision/dream boards as a way to make their goals and dreams more tangible.

HHI Research

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Child development researchers J.J. Cutuli from Rutgers University-Camden and Janette Herbers from Villanova University are working in collaboration with the Homeless Health Initiative to better understand the impact of HHI-affiliated programs on the well-being of children experiencing family homelessness.

Holiday Celebrations 2013

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We at the Homeless Health Initiative felt grateful to be able to coordinate and connect hundreds of donors and volunteers to families in need at multiple emergency housing shelters around Philadelphia over the holidays in 2013.
