Meet your Gastrointestinal Epithelium Modeling (GEM) Program team
The GEM Program is co-directed by Amanda Muir, MD, and Kathryn E. Hamilton, PhD, experts in the use of patient-derived organoids. Tatiana Karakasheva, PhD, is the associate director.
Program Leader

Kathryn E. Hamilton, PhD

Tatiana Karakasheva, PhD

Amanda Muir, MD, MTR

Máire Abraham Conrad, MD, MS

Robert O. Heuckeroth, MD, PhD
Dan Dongeun Huh, PhD

Judith R. Kelsen, MD
Christopher J. Lengner, PhD

Suzanne P. MacFarland, MD

Neil D. Romberg, MD

Melanie A. Ruffner, MD, PhD
Sydney M. Shaffer, MD, PhD

Arunjot Singh

Kai Tan, PhD
Kelly A. Whelan, PhD
Clinical and Professional Staff
Maiya Alston
NaDea Mak

Noor Nema, MD