Support for Skill Instruction (K-8)


Subject: Reading

Young boy smiling outside Selection of Basic Skills

  • identify all upper and lower case letters
  • identify consonant/vowel sounds
  • recognize rhyming words
  • write words based on sounds
  • K level sight words

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • count objects to 30
  • extend a simple pattern
  • recognize numbers
  • recognize shapes
  • count forward 

1st Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • use phonics to decode simple words
  • use blending and segmenting phonics techniques
  • recognize high frequency sight words
  • begin to recognize and self-correct reading mistakes
  • make predictions before reading
  • related prior knowledge to given reading
  • identify story elements such as character, setting, plot
  • ask questions before, during and after reading
  • read aloud fluently
  • summarize text
  • tell a store with a beginning, middle and end

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • skip count by 2, 5, 10
  • familiarity with place value/base ten system (tens, ones, hundreds, etc)
  • understand concept of “odd” and “even” numbers
  • describe parts of whole using basic fractions (½, ⅓, ¼ etc)
  • solve one-step addition and subtraction problems
  • turn a word problem into a number sentence (equation)
  • use fact families to add and subtract
  • measure length, width, weight
  • identify money by shape, color, value
  • count coins
  • describe events in order from beginning to end
  • identify two and three dimensional shapes

2nd Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • use a variety of strategies to read new words
  • read aloud and silently
  • self-correct while reading
  • recognize high frequency sight words
  • identify author’s purpose
  • use photos, charts, diagrams and maps in text to inform understanding
  • make predictions about texts based on title, photos, maps, diagrams in text
  • summarize what they read in order from beginning to end
  • identify main idea

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • compare whole numbers and basic fractions
  • represent fractions using pictures
  • put fractions in order from biggest to smallest
  • solve two step addition and subtraction problems
  • connect multiplication to repeated addition (show that 3x3 is the same as 3+3+3)
  • quickly and accurately add and subtract
  • estimate sums/differences
  • measure height, weight, volume, temperature
  • tell time on an analog (circular) clock
  • count, compare, order sets of unlike coins
  • show equivalent amounts of money
  • identify and continue patterns

3rd Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • represent, order, and compare whole numbers and fractions
  • compose and decompose numbers (123 = 100+20+3)
  • identify the relationship between multiplication and division
  • fluently solve basic multiplication and division facts
  • solve multiplication and division word problems
  • measure objects using standard units in the U.S. customary and metric systems.
  • perform simple unit conversions within a system of measurement (e.g., three feet is the same as a yard)
  • organize, describe, and make predictions from existing data
  • represent data using tables and graphs such as tallies and bar graphs
  • specify locations using a coordinate system
  • describe the difference between congruence and similarity

4th Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • determine the meaning of a word in context when the word has multiple meanings
  • use additional resources (e.g., newspapers, interviews, technological resources) as applicable to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.
  • infer cause/effect relationships in expository text (text that explains concepts)
  • paraphrase/summarize information in a text. 

  • use evidence in text to generate and confirm or reject hypotheses
  • interpret concepts or make connections through comparison, analysis, evaluation, and inference
  • identify metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, and hyperbole in text.
  • identify poetic devices (e.g., alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme).
  • make simple connections from the story to events or people in their own lives

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • identify prime numbers through 100.
  • recognize equivalent representations for decimals and generate them by composing and decomposing numbers (e.g., 0.15 = 0.1 + 0.05).
  • represent fractions as parts of unit wholes, as parts of a set, as locations on a number line, and as divisions of whole numbers.
  • solve multi-step number sentences and word problems using whole numbers and the four basic operations.
  • measure angles using a protractor or angle ruler
  • develop and discuss strategies for estimating the perimeters, areas, and volumes of -regular and non-regular shapes
  • create an accurate representation of a polygon with a given perimeter or area
  • identify a number pattern, both increasing and decreasing, and extend the number sequence

5th Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • place mixed numbers and decimals on a number line
  • show equivalent representations of a number by changing from one form to another form (e.g., standard form to expanded form, fraction to decimal, decimal to percent, improper fraction to mixed number).
  • solve number sentences and word problems using addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators. 
  • solve number sentences and word problems using addition and subtraction of decimals
  • develop and use strategies to estimate computations involving familiar fractions and decimals
  • estimate the perimeter, area, and/or volume of regular and irregular shapes and objects.
  • classify two or three dimensional shapes according to their properties (e.g., regular and irregular, concave and convex, types of quadrilaterals, pyramids, and prisms).
  • determine the distance between points along horizontal and vertical lines of a coordinate system

6th Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • use evidence from the text in order to summarize the plot, make inferences about and analyze the text, and determine the central theme or themes in a text.
  • understand and explain the point of view in a text
  • understand the significance of certain words and passages in a text.
  • understand and relay the main thesis or claims of a non-fiction text and its supporting evidence.
  • reads and compare different texts and genres that address the same topics.
  • uses a variety of media and formats, including video and audio, to further enhance understanding of a topic or text.
  • participate in class-wide and group discussions expressing the ideas and skills learned.
  • practice a variety of vocabulary skills, including using the context in which a word is found to determine the meaning of words, recognizing roots of words, and using digital and physical reference materials (dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries).
  • gain an understanding of and the ability to explain figurative language in a text

Subject: Writing

Selection of Basic Skills

  • write using more complex vocabulary and about more complex content
  • write over extended periods of time, such as when writing long-term research or expressive pieces that may take a week
  • write for short amounts of times, such as in one sitting
  • write a variety of genres for a variety of audiences
  • write structured and well-organized opinion, research, and informative pieces that
    • uses supporting claims and evidence based on credible texts and resources
    • includes an introduction, a conclusion, and transitions
    • integrates other forms of media and formats, such as graphs, charts, headings, audio, or video when appropriate
  • write well-structured narratives (both true and fiction) that include:
    • descriptive detail of characters, settings, and experiences
    • dialogue
    • a clear structure, with a logical order and flow, thought-out word choice, and a conclusion
  • plan, revise, and edit writing, with guidance from teachers and peers
  • write pieces that display the reading skills achieved, including analysis of text, making comparisons and claims, and developing arguments using specific evidence
  • use technology and the Internet to produce and publish writing, work with others, and type a minimum of three pages in one sitting

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • divide fractions by fractions
  • solve equations using ratios, rates, or percentages
  • solve equations with negative numbers
  • multiply and divide multi-digit numbers
  • find common factors and multiples
  • understands and talks about ratios using mathematical language. For example, the ratio of girls to boys in the class is 2:3
  • solves algebraic equations with one variable and explains how these equations were solved
  • solves geometry problems related to surface area, area, and volume as applied to real-world situations
  • develop skills in statistical analysis and applies statistical concepts, including mean, median, variability, and range
  • analyze mathematical data, thinking about how data was collected and looking at patterns, including clusters, peaks, gaps, and symmetry
  • explain the process used and the thinking behind how problems and equations are solved

7th Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • read a variety of texts, including stories, poetry, drama, non-fiction, or informative texts
  • analyze texts using quotes or examples from the text as evidence to support the analysis
  • make inferences about texts and uses evidence from the text to support the inferences 
  • understand the message or ideas in a text and uses evidence to support these claims
  • understand, track the progress of, and summarize the main idea of a text, using evidence from the text
  • analyze and explain the relationship between different elements such as character and setting
  • analyze the impact of specific language and word choice used in a text
  • understand how the different structures used in a text, such as poetry or drama, affect the text
  • compare and contrast the different perspectives and points of views in a text
  • determine the author’s point of view in a text using evidence from the text
  • compare different versions such as a stage version, film, or audio version of a text, paying specific attention to the way in which elements such as lighting, scenery, or audio sounds affect the message of the text
  • compare a historical account of an event, person, or place with a historical fiction text about the same period
  • compare multiple texts written by different authors about the same topic and determines how their different perspectives are presented through their presentation of facts and the inferences they make

Subject: Writing

Selection of Basic Skills

  • write arguments that present clear reasons and relevant evidence and include:
    • introductions;
    • acknowledgements of opposing claims;
    • logical and orderly presentations of reasons and evidence;
    • the use of appropriate transitions, words, and phrases to connect claims;
    • a concluding sentence or paragraph which supports the argument made; and
    • formal tone and style
  • write structured and well organized opinion, research, and informative pieces that:
    • use supporting claims and evidence that are based on credible texts and resources;
    • include an introduction that has an explanation of what follows;
    • develop topics through the use of facts, detailed quotations, and examples and subject specific terms and definitions;
    • include transitions that connect concepts and paragraphs;
    • include a conclusion that supports the presented idea(s);
    • maintain a formal “essay type” style; and
    • integrate other forms of media and formats, such as graphs, charts, headings, and audio or video when appropriate
  • write well-structured narratives (both true and fiction) that include:
    • a narrator, characters, and a point of view;
    • descriptive detail and sensory language to describe characters, settings, and experiences;
    • dialogue details and descriptions of characters, setting, and experiences;
    • a clear structure with a logical order and flow, as shown through the use of transition words; and
    • a conclusion that is connected to and builds on the narrative
  • plan, revise, and edit writing, specifically with guidance from teachers and peers, focusing specifically on trying new approaches and making sure the writing has a purpose and appeals to its audience
  • use technology and the Internet to produce and publish writing
  • work with others and cite sources
  • work on multiple, short research projects that answer a specific question and cite multiple sources, while gathering additional questions for later research
  • use both print and digital resources to conduct research, focusing on using appropriate search terms and reliable sources
  • uses quotes and a standard format for citation

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • solve equations using percentages that pertain to real-life examples, such as discounts, taxes, interest, and tips
  • graph different proportions in order to compare them and analyze the steepness of the line that is graphed (which is referred to as the “slope”)
  • use equations to show the relationship between proportions
  • understand equations related to the distance between positive and negative numbers and negative and negative numbers
  • understand that a positive and negative number can equal 0. For example, 2 + -2 = 0
  • add, subtract, multiply, and divide negative numbers
  • analyze scale drawings (drawings that represent real-life objects, such as cars or buildings and their measurements) in order to solve equations about them
  • understand that an increase by 5 percent is the same thing as multiplying that number by 0.05
  • solve multi-step equations that include different forms of numbers, such as fractions, decimals, and percentages
  • Uses statistics specifically to understand and infer information about a group or sample as well as compare 2 different groups or samples
  • graphs statistics and use the graph to further analyze a group(s) or sample(s)
  • predict the probability of something based on collected data

8th Grade

Subject: Reading

Selection of Basic Skills

  • evaluate the evidence in texts to determine the strongest supports of an idea and analysis
  • determine the main idea or theme of a text using evidence from the text to support it
  • provide an objective summary of a text
  • understand, summarize, and track the progress of the main idea of a text, using evidence from the text
  • analyze how elements such as specific dialogue, events, or word usage impact the characters, the decisions they make, and other events and actions in the text
  • understand the use of language in a text, including figurative language, analogies, and allusions to other texts
  • compare and contrast the different structures of texts including the structures of paragraphs and sentences
  • analyze the difference between characters’ points of view and how these differences affect the text
  • analyze the pros and cons of using different forms of text and media to present a topic or idea
  • compare a text to a film or play version of a text, paying specific attention to the way in which the film or play veers from the text

Subject: Writing

Selection of Basic Skills

  • write arguments that present clear reasons and relevant evidence and include:
    • introductions
    • acknowledgements of opposing claims
    • logical and orderly presentation of reasons and evidence
    • graphics, special formatting, and multimedia, when appropriate
    • support of the claims through the use of evidence from credible sources
    • a concluding sentence or paragraph that supports the argument made
    • a formal tone and style
  • write structured and well-organized opinion, research, and informative pieces that:
    • use supporting claims and evidence based on credible texts and resources
    • provide an introduction that includes an explanation of what follows
    • develop topics through the use of facts, details, quotations, examples, and subject-specific terms and definitions
    • include transitions that connect concepts, events, and paragraphs
      • include transitions that connect concepts, events, and paragraphs
      • include a conclusion that supports the presented idea(s)
      • maintain a formal “essay type” style
      • integrate other forms of media and formats such as graphs, charts, headings, audio, or video when appropriate.
  • writes well-structured narratives (both true and fiction) that include:
    • a narrator, characters, and a point of view
    • descriptive detail and sensory language to describe characters, settings, and experiences
    • dialogue, pacing, reflection, and details and descriptions of characters, setting, and experiences
    • thought-out word choice
    • a clear structure with a logical order and flow, as shown through the use of transition words and phrases and a logical sequence
    • a conclusion that is connected to and builds on the narrative
  • plan, revise, and edit writing, specifically with guidance from teachers and peers, focusing specifically on trying new approaches and making sure the writing has a purpose and appeals to its audience
  • use technology and the Internet to produce and publish writing, work with others, and cite sources
  • works on multiple short research projects that answer specific questions and cite multiple sources, while gathering additional questions for later research
  • uses both print and digital resources to conduct research, focusing on using appropriate search terms and reliable sources
  • uses quotes and a standard format for citation

Subject: Math

Selection of Basic Skills

  • solve linear equations, which are equations that make a straight line when graphed and are expressed as y = mx + b
  • use linear expressions to compare data that has two variables
  • compare the lines graphed by two linear expressions and determine whether they are parallel, intersecting, or the same
  • understand that there are rational and irrational numbers
  • solve equations with integers that are whole numbers, both positive and negative
  • solve equations with radicals that are “roots,” such as square roots
  • understand, compares, and solves equations with functions that are usually expressed as f(n) and represent the relationships between an input and an output
  • learn the concept of congruence (equal length) and similarity (when two objects have the same angles and are proportionate) through the use of models, transparencies, or software
  • understand and solve equations using the Pythagorean Theorem: a2 +b2 = c2
  • solve equations about the volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres, specifically as applied in real-world ways


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Young boy smiling outside

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