Parkway Run & Walk 2016: One Goal - Cure Childhood Cancer

The 2016 Parkway Run & Walk raised $1.1 million for childhood cancer research and care at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. This funding is critical to finding new, better treatments for pediatric cancer. The event was an inspiring reunion of Children's Hospital patients, families, friends and staff. You can be a part of this incredible community by saving the date for the 2017 Parkway Run & Walk on Sept. 24, 2017.


Female: We're walking for Mackenzie.

Male: I, Leonard Parks, walk for my nephew, Gregory.

Group: We walk for [unclear].

Female/Male: We're running for Bradley's Buddies.

Justin's Mom: I'm running for my son Justin.

Male/Female:  We're walking for Nyle.

Jaxson's parents: We walk for Jaxson.

Female: I'm walking in memory of my grandson Aziz Amhad Rex.

Group: We walk for Abby.

Mackenzie's mom: My daughter Mackenzie was diagnosed with cancer when she was 16 months old and she passed away at the age of 7 in 2010.

Justin's mom: He was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was just 10 months old and now he just celebrated his seventh birthday.

Female:  I had rhabdomyosarcoma four and a half years ago.

Male: We're out walking today in celebration of the fact that he's one year cancer free.

Child: All my friends family think I'm special in some way and it's like really exciting. It's mostly just like a family reunion.

Mackenzie's mom: It's an amazing event, our team still comes out, people are remembering our daughter this way. When you lose a child, you're afraid people are going to forget them and it means so much to me to have everybody come out every year and support us this way.

Male: The community has been such an inspiration for us and our family.

Justin's mom: As hard as this road has been, we've always had so many people just lifting us up and supporting us and it's really gotten us through.

Male: And a lot of people come out here and donate money and show support for kids going through this. Every single dollar people give here is just another dollar that goes to research and trials and it could possibly save a child's life so, it means a lot.

MC: It's beautiful to see you all here to celebrate the joy of our children, the hope that we have that we can cure pediatric cancer, that this will be a reality.

Male: Just looking around seeing the wave of people, it's just amazing.

Male: We're all fighting for the same cause.

Female: Childhood cancer is so underfunded.

Jaxson's mom: Events like this will really help giving these kids a better fighting chance.

Justin's mom: The donation that our team has gathered and every other team here is funding cutting edge research and CHOP is amazing, it's been wonderful to us.

Child: They're so nice, I love the people at CHOP.

Female: Without the doctors at CHOP, I would not have made it through

Female: They have taken care of us, taken care of her, it's been an awesome experience.

Toby's mom: They were really like good with the treatment that they have given Toby. Without them, I don't think we would be here.

Male: That's what CHOP really is; it's about giving each and every individual the opportunity so that they can live life to the fullest.

Justin's mom: Through it all, Justin has remained the happiest, sweetest little guy with the biggest heart.

Male: I just don't see a reason why kids have to go through this kind of pain. We really got to get rid of it.

Female:  Get up, get out. Stand up to stand out. Don't be sorry, be active, we need more.

Jaxson's mom: We will be back, year after year.

One goal: Cure childhood cancer.

Together we raised $1,151,423.22.

Thank you for your support. See you next year in 2017!


Related Centers and Programs: Cancer Center